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Mohammad Abouchleih, MBA

Investment Analyst

Mo Abouchleih Headshot
"Wealth for me is being financially comfortable enough to not worry about retirement and having the ease of mind from not worrying about expenses in case of an emergency. Also, taking care of your health, having people around you that love you, and creating an environment for yourself that makes you genuinely happy. All these factors combined make you wealthy in life."


Moe grew up in a family in which everyone took distinctly different career paths – from bank executives to car parts wholesaling to Real estate to law school. And in fact, his path had some turns along the way. Being a doctor seemed like a good idea…until he looked a little more closely at what that entailed! Being a soccer player was compelling until he realized the odds of making it pro were not in his favor. Moe tried his hand at comedy for a while, through a series of YouTube stand up routines—don’t look for them, because he’s taken them down!

But every step of Moe’s path was tied to his need to help people, and his closeness with his family. In college, Moe looked around at his friends’ spending habits and how it seemed they were always broke, even when they had money coming in. Tactfully, he sat them down and helped build budgets, and quickly became the go-to. And thus, a path to being a financial advisor began.

Moe received his MBA from the University of Missouri – Saint Louis and works as an Investment analyst for the team, but when asked for an analysis of what “well-th” means to him, he’s reflective. He thinks of a retirement filled with health and family; of a neighborhood of houses each occupied by his kids and siblings. He thinks of well-th as an equation of health + happiness + love. His goal is to have the financial wherewithal to support that equation; he also, however, recognizes the joy in simplicity and fondly remembers a college trip to Florida—where thanks to budgeting, he and his friends headed to Miami but acknowledged even the most careful budgets were no match for some of the prices there! But the 21-hour car trip of camaraderie, the days and nights spent on the beach—the joy was in the journey.

One final tip as you meet Moe: don’t take him on in pool. He always wins. Every single time.

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